Do you always feel depressed when anyone invites you to a party or when your sister plans for a family get together or even when you have to participate in an official tour? In those cases did you always feel tired by covering your uneven, patchy skin tone with various make-up products and wished if your skin were as beautiful and radiant as Cleopatra?
Now the truth is that everyone is not born with a perfect, flawless skin. Every one of us is dealing with some skin issues or others and believe me speckled skin tone is not such a big deal for which you have to confine yourself in your room.
This is curable and there are myriads ways through which you can effectively address this issue! According to your convenience, you can experiment with different medical treatments such as laser, chemical peel or other cosmetic therapies in a beauty salon or parlor.

But girl you will be amazed by knowing that you don’t even need those expensive medical treatments or salon therapies because you can cure your patchy skin tone by using some simple natural home remedies which are as efficacious as the above treatments!
Yes, I know this is too good to be true but these home remedies actually work and with these, you can possess your much desired even skin tone naturally.
Before going straight to the solution, you should know some very basic points regarding your problem such as what actually uneven skin tone is or its causes, symptoms etc.
What an Uneven Skin Tone Is?
The color of our skin depends on how much melanin or pigment gets generated in our skin. When some parts of your skin produces more melanin than the rest, that part gets darker than the other parts due to which the color of skin varies and results in patchy or uneven skin tone.
There are several factors which can lead you to uneven skin tone such as
Excessive sun exposure: If your skin gets too much exposed to the sun, more malanocytes are produced and consequently more melanin gets generated which makes your skin uneven.
Genetics: Genes are responsible for hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone.
Hormonal changes: The hormonal imbalance can trigger unnatural melanin production that results in patchy skin tone.
Acne eruption or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: Severe acne outbreak or certain wounds can cause hyperpigmentation or uneven skin tone.
Ageing: As you grow old, different dark spots or brown spots appear naturally on your skin.
As you have already known all the necessary information regarding uneven skin tone, now without further shilly-shally, let’s see how you can achieve that long-awaited even skin tone naturally:
9 Useful Tips to Get Even Skin Tone Naturally at Home
These are the most useful tips you can try at home to get even skin tone:
1. Maintaining the Regular Beauty Regimen of Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing (CTM)
Maintaining a well-balanced routine of Cleansing, Toning and Moisturizing is the most rudimentary thing that you can do for the well-being of your skin. If you skip any of these steps, girl the loss is yours because your skin will show the impact of your mistake. To keep your skin even and glowing this step is of utmost importance.
What you need:
To make your own homemade cleanser, toner and moisturizer you will need some easily available ingredients which are raw fat milk, rose water, aloe vera, glycerin, extra virgin coconut oil.
What to do:
At first to cleanse your skin take some raw fat milk on your palm and then gently rub that onto your skin for few minutes. Then wash it with normal water and feel your soft and clear skin. To keep your skin fresh and clean, go through this procedure twice a day.
After cleansing comes another important step that is toning. For that grind 3-4 roses, aloe vera and distilled water, afterwards strain the water from the mixture and your toner is ready to use.
Take a cotton pad, dab some toner on the pad and gently wipe your face with the pad. To get the most out of it always follow this process after cleansing your face.
Now comes the third step which is moisturizing. To make your own moisturizer, take 1-2 teaspoons of extra virgin coconut oil, 1-2 teaspoons of almond oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin and stir them well. Next, take a little amount of the mixture and apply that to your face.
2. Exfoliating in a Regular Basis
To minimize the unevenness of skin tone, exfoliation plays a big role as it, on the one hand, puts an end to all the dead skin cells, dirt, and grime and on the other hand, it unravels the brighter skin which generally lays hidden underneath.
As regular exfoliation clears pores deeply and intensely, acne and pimple become less frequent which saves you from post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.
What you need:
To prepare exfoliating scrub you will need brown sugar, lemon and extra virgin coconut oil.
What you have to do:
At first, get hold of 1 teaspoon lemon, 2 teaspoons of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, mix these ingredients well, apply them to your face and then in a circular motion gently rub your whole face.
After 3-4 minutes hose down the whole face with lukewarm water. To ooze the maximum benefit try to exfoliating your face twice a week
3. Getting a Face Pack of Neem, Tulsi, Fullers Earth and Rose Water
Face packs are nourishing and work as an amazing catalyst in bringing back the lost glow and luminosity of your skin. This face pack made of four wonderful ingredients will hydrate your skin, defend skin against any bacterial infections, soak up excess oil and other impurities and clarify skin by diminishing the appearances of dark spots, brown spots and pigmentation
What you will need:
5-6 Tulsi leaves, 5-6 Neem leaves, 1 teaspoon Fuller’s earth and 1 tablespoon of rose water.
What you have to do:
Blend the ingredients well, make a medium-textured paste, apply that to your face with the help of a brush or fingertips, leave it unperturbed for 10-15 minutes and then cleanse your face using normal water.
Finish the procedure with applying a moisturizer to your face and to reap the best out of it repeat the whole process twice or thrice a week.
4. Fall Back on the Face Pack Made of Orange Peel Extract, Honey and Turmeric
To give you that dazzling glow, what can be more reliable and trustworthy than orange peel extracts? Orange peel not only enhances and smoothens the overall skin tone but also provides an abundant amount of antioxidants to keep your skin plump and young.
And Turmeric itself needs no introduction as it almost single-handedly can solve hundreds of skin issues such as it lightens up dark spots, pigmentation, calms and soothes inflammation etc.
Another incredible ingredient honey retains the natural moisture of skin and mends skin by providing ample amount of antioxidants.
What you need:
1 tablespoon of orange peel extract, 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of turmeric.
What you have to do:
Just grab those above ingredients, grind them well, apply it to your whole face and then rinse your face with splashes of cold water. Repeat the whole plan of action twice a week to get the maximum of it.
5. Rely on Tomato, Gram Flour and Lemon Face Pack
Tomato does not only taste delicious but it also is a magic wand to cure pigmentation and uneven skin tone. As it has loads of vitamin C and skin bleaching agents it effectively lightens pigmentation and dark spots.
Gram flour is enriched with zinc and has anti-bacterial properties; as a result the chances of acne breakouts get cancelled out.
What you need:
To prepare the miraculous mask for getting even skin tone naturally you will have to garner 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon gram flour and ½ teaspoon of lemon juice.
What you have to do:
Blend the ingredients well, apply it to your skin, leave it uninterrupted for 10-12 minutes and drench your face with normal water. To get the utmost out of this you have to go through this process thrice a week.
6. Depend on Raw Papaya and Milk Face Pack
I know how hard you have tried to get back that gleaming and beaming of your skin, to see once again that radiance which you used to love. But alas! It is not there!
Now girl, calm down you will get that glow back with this extraordinary papaya and milk face pack!
Papaya is stuffed with enzymes like papain and chymopapain which soothe inflammation and irritation. Besides it terminate dead skin cells and damaged keratin from the surface of the skin which in return vouchsafes you a more clarified and rejuvenated skin tone.
Milk hydrates skin, furnishes nutrients like Vitamin A, D, K, protein and lactic acid and gently exfoliates skin to unknot the hidden glow within your skin.
What you will need:
To get this magical pack you have to collect 2 tablespoons of milk and ½ cup of sliced papaya.
What you have to do:
Blend these two ingredients well, apply it to your whole face, keep it for 10 minutes and then cleanse your face with cold water and tap your face dry with a soft and clean towel.
7. Put Your Trust on Aloe Vera, Lemon Juice, Multani Mitti and Cucumber Pack
Do you have this miraculous plant called aloe vera in your garden and do you always used to wonder what to do with that? Then girl let me tell you that this plant indeed has phenomenal capability in dealing with uneven skin tone!
Aloe vera is enriched with aloin which is a natural de-pigmenting compound that can lighten hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.
Check Also: Benefits of Aloe Vera for Skin & How to Use It
Cucumber is another ingredient which works wonder to gift you even skin tone naturally. As it is crammed with multiple vitamins, nutrients, it gradually wanes pigmentation and brightens up the whole complexion.
What you need:
½ sliced cucumber, ½ tablespoon multani mitti, 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel and ½ teaspoon lemon juice.
What you have to do:
Put those ingredients into a grinder, blend them well and apply the paste generously to your face. To calm your eyes put two cucumber slices on your eyes, relax for 12-15 minutes and after that wash off your face. To experience speedy improvement use it thrice in a week.
8. Go for Banana, Yogurt and Honey Face Pack
You probably know how much nutrients and vitamins a banana has and how much important it is to grab a banana daily. Besides eating, if you place some mashed banana on your skin in a regular basis, the result will be nothing but astounding!
Banana being laden with potassium, pectin, Vitamin C, E, B6 and magnesium, it on the one hand nourishes skin deeply and on the other hand de- tans skin or decreases the uneven texture of your skin tone.
What you need:
½ banana, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and ½ tablespoon of honey.
What you have to do:
Clutch those ingredients to mash them together and then place the mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes. When it gets dried remove it using cold water, for reaping the maximum out of it put up with this process at least twice a week.
9. Seize the Benefit of Apple, Oatmeal and Milk Face Pack
Let me guess, your pigmentation is pretty obstinate; it neither gets dimmed nor it leaves you happy and satisfied with your looks, right? Then girl, in a circumstance like this you have to be more prudent and have to try those things which can offer you guaranteed result which this face pack can easily volunteer.
Apple comes with Vitamin A, K, C, calcium, potassium and loads of other nutrients which nourishes, tones, moisturizes and improves the complexion to proffer you even skin tone naturally.
Oatmeal not only furnishes plenty of antioxidants, but it also successfully stamps out blackheads, whiteheads, dead skin cells and all other piled up impurities.
What you need:
½ sliced apple, 1 tablespoon oatmeal and 1 tablespoon milk.
What you have to do:
Take those things into a grinder, prepare a thick paste and with the help of your fingers or a brush spread the paste all over your face and leave it for 20 minutes so that your skin can soak the maximum nutrients out of it.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Is uneven skin tone harmful?
Uneven skin tone is not generally malign in nature but sometimes it can appear as an offshoot of some harmful diseases such as diabetes, blood sugar etc. in that case you should consult a doctor?
What is hyperpigmentation?
Hyperpigmentation is a skin condition in which certain parts of your skin produces more melanin and gets darker than the rest of your skin.
Can taking caffeine worsen uneven skin tone?
Caffeine being diuretic can reduce water level in your body due to which your skin looks dull, aged and which can also trigger the problem of uneven skin tone.
What are the causes of uneven skin tone?
There are several reasons which can make your skin uneven such as excessive sun exposure, dehydration, genetics, ageing, acne breakout, drinking excessive tea or coffee etc.
What are the symptoms of uneven skin tone?
You will see brown spots, dark spots on faces or some parts of your skin will be lighter than the other parts.
Check Also:
- Top 10 Best Face Washes for Oily Skin and Blackheads in India
- Top 10 Best Face Toners in India for All Skin Type
- Facial Toners: Are The Myths True? Do You Really Need Them?
- How to Do Aloe Vera Facial at Home for Glowing Skin [7 Easy Steps]
Now girl time has come to stop brooding and sulking for having uneven skin tone as this issue can be dealt successfully that is also by using easy homemade remedies.
So incorporate the above procedures in your daily routine which will definitely reward you with even skin tone naturally and then be prepared to get mesmerized by your own dazzling skin!
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