Natural methods of skincare have been in existence for ages. You can trace the origin of the natural methods to the times when women had nothing but natural ingredients that they could use to take care of their skin. The cosmetic and wellness industries had no existence then and that is the true beauty of olden times.
Skincare for people living centuries ago was all about the natural extracts that they heavily relied on. Even today, we find traces remaining on the sands of time. Irrespective of the evolution that had taken place with time, few things still hold on to its grounds even today. With that said, a true example would be the cosmetic and wellness industry itself.
With evolution, the natural means and ways found their relevance losing. However, most beauty and skincare products you find today are a major source of these very natural ingredients. People today again have started to recognize the importance of natural ingredients in the skincare regime.
Though the concept remains subsided for quite some time, in the recent few years, the use of natural ingredients for skincare has increased rapidly. Among all other categories, natural oils are not just in trend but also are known for the benefits they shower to the skin. The proven results have driven more and more people to get involved with the usage of natural oils for skin.

Nevertheless, when it comes down to talking about natural oils, there are several varieties in the market. Some that are popular find their place in several beauty products too. However, direct use of natural oils needs a proper understanding of which one to use and how to use it. Such questions mostly remain unanswered.
Well, that is how we reach this blog post today. All probable aspects relating to the different kinds of natural oils and their benefits for the skin would remain disclosed for your reference.
Varieties Of Natural Oils For Skin And Their Underlying Benefits
Natural oils in general are known for their antibacterial, moisturizing, protective properties, and many more. But the confusion persists on which natural works for which purpose the best. But here I have enlisted several types of natural oils for skin and their benefits likewise:
1. Olive Oil
The very simple component found in almost every household can work wonders for the skin. The extra virgin olive oil is the most refined version of this type of natural oil and hardly has previous claims of causing allergic reactions. Several research-based studies have come up with the proven results of olive oil being infused with moisturization capabilities.
Though the consistency and texture of this natural oil are slightly on the heavier side, it has all the good vitamins that your skin needs and deserves. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are some of the most common types that olive oil beholds in itself. Thus, during winters, when your skin needs extra hydration, extra virgin olive oil can be your savior.
2. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has been in use for the skin for ages and thus, not to miss out on its importance even today. It is equipped with both antibacterial as well as antifungal properties. Not to forget, it is a rich source of vitamins such as E and K. Coconut oil, in its self is undoubtedly beneficial but, when added with a carrier, its moisturizing capabilities take a kick start.
It is mostly the unrefined version of coconut oil that is the most preferred for the skin. However, for people with acne-prone skin or oily skin, it is better to keep out the use of coconut oil on the skin.
3. Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil is perhaps the lightest on the list of all other natural oils. It feels light on the skin and can match your preference if you are not a fan of greasy or heavy textured natural oils. Fatty acids are a dire need for the skin’s overall health and grapeseed oil is a major source you can opt for. In addition, not to miss out on its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Though people are not aware of the use of grapeseed oil for the skin, this natural oil is one of a kind. Once you can adapt to its usage, it can be your skin’s best friend in times of hardships.
4. Jojoba Oil
Just like grapeseed oil, most people have not been aware of the usage of jojoba oil for skin. It is one of those natural oils that owes its origin to Mexico and the southwestern region of America. Jojoba Oil has certain medicinal properties and has not proven to cause allergic reactions in the past.
Along with benefitting the skin, Jojoba oil has several other properties too. For example, several researchers have found out the anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties of Jojoba oil. Thus, it is one of the options that you can pick if you are looking for natural oils for the skin.
5. Almond Oil
Almonds are that category of dry fruits that has its benefits enrooted in several directions. They are primarily designated as food for the brains but, it has equal benefits to offer to the skin. It is rich in sources such as vitamin E, zinc, proteins, potassium, and many others that are in a way good for the skin’s health.
Its texture and feel are lighter as compared to many others in the list of other natural oils and can be highly convenient to use on the face and other parts of the body. However, as a matter of caution, for people with allergic symptoms, it is suggestive to refrain from using almond oil on sensitive regions.
6. Sunflower Seed Oil
Nothing can beat Sunflower Seed Oil as a natural source of moisturization. The formula of the oil is as such to absorb quickly onto the skin and leaving behind a hydrated outcome. It is rich in the content of vitamin E and not to forget its massive availability. Several pieces of research have proven that sunflower seed oil works best for an infant’s skin.
Besides, when combined with olive oil and used on infants, it can even cure signs of atopic dermatitis. Thus, there is no doubt about the fact that sunflower seed oil deserves to be on the list of all, natural oils that are competent enough to benefit the skin at its best.
7. Argan Oil
The most popularly used natural oil is none other than Argan oil. No matter which beauty and skincare products you look at, you are most likely to find the usage of argan oil in the product. There are several underlying benefits of argan oil for the skin that most people are not aware of. Anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties are common noticeable features you get to see.
Besides, it is also known for its anti-aging properties which is a major need for all people today, be it men or women. On being used topically, it tends to boost skin elasticity thus making your skin look young and cheerful.
8. Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil has very well found its place in the list of natural oils that in a way benefit the skin. Most beauty and wellness products today come with tea tree oil as an important ingredient. Tea tree oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties which are sometimes all the skin needs for healthy maintenance.
Irrespective of your skin type, tea tree oil can be used and has not yet reported any signs of allergic reactions. Thus, it too is a great pick among all other natural oils.
Benefits Of Using Natural Oil For Skin
Now that we have come across the varieties of natural oils, let us also wholesomely realize the multifaceted importance that natural oils can cause to the skin. Let us check up on the benefits:
- With age, the skin’s potential to act as a barrier to prevent unwanted components from interfering with the skin decreases. However, several natural oils help build this level of barrier and keep the skin away from all possible harsh circumstances.
- In addition to the anti-inflammatory properties, anti-bacterial properties, etc. the anti-scarring properties are also present in some natural oils. It often goes unnoticed but, healing scars and their visibility is something you can achieve by using natural oils that are good at exhibiting such properties.
- Besides using sunscreen, any damages caused to the skin due to Ultraviolet rays can be healed using natural oils. This is something that your sunscreen fails to do but, using a natural oil can benefit your skin in this regard.
- The risk factor associated with the use of chemical-infused cosmetic products is not present when you opt to use natural oils for your skincare regime. Most natural oils are not proven to cause any allergic reactions and thus are completely safe to give a try.
Frequently Asked Questions
Reading about natural oils and several other aspects related to them might bring to the minds of the readers several important common questions. Well, that’s why we are here. Some of the commonly asked questions along with their probable answers would remain addressed under the sub-head. Let us start without any delay.
How can I use olive oil on my face?
Besides olive oil being part of several beauty and wellness products, it can be administered to the skin directly. You can easily take some bit of the natural oil and apply it topically onto the skin. The excess can be swiped off and allow the remaining to settle on the bare skin. Note, for direct use, only extra virgin olive oil is ideal.
Does grapeseed oil prevent skin from sun damage?
Grapeseed oil contains antioxidant properties and those very powerful antioxidants work in the favor of your skin. The skin naturally has the tendency to absorb harmful UV rays. That is where grapeseed oil comes of help. It prevents your skin from absorbing such harmful rays which will lead your skin to damage.
Do all natural oils work for all skin types equally?
The answer is a ‘no’. It is impractical to expect a single product to yield results the same way for all. Different people with different types are most likely to react differently to diverse products. And, similar is the case with natural oils too. Some things might work best for you and not for someone else and vice-versa.
Do all natural oils show proven results on the skin?
Most natural oils have undergone scientific tests and have proven results to show up their respective benefits for the skin. However, tea tree oil is the one that has no proven research-based results, but it too has been awarded several positive claims from existing users across the globe.
Concluding Thoughts
When it comes down to using natural oil on the skin, there is an aesthetic element in the same. Irrespective of the several cosmetic and wellness products flooding the market, the focus has always been towards using natural products and their benefits. But most users were unaware of the tit-bits of using different types of natural oils.
Most natural oils that we have come across are known for their moisturizing capabilities. Though each of them differs in texture, formulation, properties, and many other parameters, they have their unique set of benefits when used on the skin. If you are a seeker of oil that is most hydrating, olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil would be a great pick.
But, if heavy texture bothers you, you can go for natural oil with a light texture. Whatever may be the case, with natural oils, the trick is to use the best quality premium oil as only the refined version will give you the ideal results. Thus, if you feel your skincare regime needs improvisation and you are willing to experiment with natural oils, go ahead with any, considering your skin type and requirements at hand.
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